Ernie Summitt

Ernie Summitt

Incurable coffee maven. Devoted communicator. Typical tv scholar. Wannabe social media junkie. Avid hair loss researcher.

53 Author´s Articles
Is Hair Transplant a Success or Failure? An Expert's Perspective

Is Hair Transplant a Success or Failure? An Expert's Perspective

As an expert in the field of hair transplantation, I can confidently say that hair transplants are generally more...

The Pros and Cons of Hair Transplant Surgery

The Pros and Cons of Hair Transplant Surgery

Hair transplants are a popular solution for those looking to restore their hairline, but it's important to understand the ...

Which Hair Transplant is Best for You?

Which Hair Transplant is Best for You?

When it comes to hair restoration, the best method is the one that meets your needs. FUE and FUT are both viable options...

Do Hair Transplants Last Permanently?

Do Hair Transplants Last Permanently?

Hair transplants are a popular treatment option for those with thinning hair. The results of a hair transplant are...

Can Transplanted Hair Fall Out Again? - An Expert's Perspective

Can Transplanted Hair Fall Out Again? - An Expert's Perspective

Hair graft loss after a hair transplant can be seen between 1 and 5 weeks after the procedure. This can come as a shock...

How Long Does a Hair Transplant Last?

How Long Does a Hair Transplant Last?

Are you considering a hair transplant to restore your hairline? If so, you may be wondering how long the results will...

How Long Does a Hair Transplant Last?

How Long Does a Hair Transplant Last?

Are you considering a hair transplant to restore your hairline? If so, you may be wondering how long the results will...

Are Hair Transplants Successful? An Expert's Perspective

Are Hair Transplants Successful? An Expert's Perspective

Hair transplants are often more successful than over-the-counter hair restoration products. Hair transplants are...

Why Most Hair Transplants Fail: An Expert's Perspective

Why Most Hair Transplants Fail: An Expert's Perspective

As an expert in the field of hair transplants, I have seen many cases where the procedure has failed. There are a few key ...

What is the Success Rate of Hair Transplant Surgery?

What is the Success Rate of Hair Transplant Surgery?

As an expert in hair transplant surgery, I can confidently say that the success rate of a hair transplant ranges from 95...

Is Hair Transplant Surgery Risky?

Is Hair Transplant Surgery Risky?

Hair transplant surgery is generally safe when performed by a qualified, experienced, and board-certified plastic...

How Long Does a Hair Transplant Last For?

How Long Does a Hair Transplant Last For?

Hair transplants are designed to be permanent and rarely require a second procedure. The results of a hair transplant are ...

What is the Failure Rate of a Hair Transplant?

What is the Failure Rate of a Hair Transplant?

As an expert in the field of SEO, I can confidently say that hair transplants are a very successful procedure. Clinical...

How Long Does a Hair Transplant Last?

How Long Does a Hair Transplant Last?

It takes about six months before you can observe any significant changes in hair growth. After one year, the full results ...

What is the Success Rate of Hair Grafts After a Hair Transplant?

What is the Success Rate of Hair Grafts After a Hair Transplant?

The success of a hair transplant depends on a variety of factors, including the patient's health, hair characteristics,...

Does transplanted hair thicken over time?

Does transplanted hair thicken over time?

For most patients who have had a hair transplant, their hair will appear thinner for the first 3 months after the...

Are hair transplants guaranteed to work?

Are hair transplants guaranteed to work?

After surgery, the scalp may be very sensitive. You may need to take pain medications for several days.

Can Hair Transplants Go Bald? An Expert's Perspective

Can Hair Transplants Go Bald? An Expert's Perspective

It's a common question: can hair transplants go bald? The answer is yes, but it's not as simple as that. Hair transplants ...

Do Hair Transplants Work 100%? A Comprehensive Guide

Do Hair Transplants Work 100%? A Comprehensive Guide

Hair transplants are a popular solution for those suffering from hair loss. But how successful are they? The graft...

When is the Best Time to Get a Hair Transplant?

When is the Best Time to Get a Hair Transplant?

When it comes to hair transplants, timing is everything. As a general rule, experts recommend that patients wait until...

Do Most Hair Transplants Fail? An Expert's Perspective

Do Most Hair Transplants Fail? An Expert's Perspective

As an expert in the field of hair transplants, I can confidently say that the procedure is an effective and safe solution ...

How Long Does a Hair Transplant Last? A Comprehensive Guide

How Long Does a Hair Transplant Last? A Comprehensive Guide

A hair transplant is a permanent solution for those suffering from hair loss. It is designed to last a lifetime, and the...

What is the Optimal Age for Cosmetic Surgery?

What is the Optimal Age for Cosmetic Surgery?

Traditionally, the recommended age for plastic surgery was between 18 and 70. This is because most cosmetic procedures...

Does Hair Grow Back in the Donor Area After FUE Hair Transplantation?

Does Hair Grow Back in the Donor Area After FUE Hair Transplantation?

We recommend a follow-up appointment so the surgeon can make sure your scalp is healthy. After a FUE hair transplant,...

Does transplanted hair fall out?

Does transplanted hair fall out?

Transplanted hair typically falls out 2 to 3 weeks after the procedure. This gives way to new hair growth.

What Are the Downsides of Hair Transplant Surgery?

What Are the Downsides of Hair Transplant Surgery?

As with any type of surgery, hair transplants come with risks. Bleeding, infections, scarring, and unnatural-looking hair ...

Do hair transplants go away?

Do hair transplants go away?

Transplanted hair is permanent and can be washed, cut and dyed. Hair transplants are a treatment option for hair that is...

Does a Hair Transplant Last Forever?

Does a Hair Transplant Last Forever?

Hair transplants are a popular treatment option for those with thinning hair. The results of a hair transplant are...

Can hair transplant cause cancer?

Can hair transplant cause cancer?

Do hair transplants cause cancer? No, the lack of evidence indicates that hair transplantation cannot cause cancer. At...

Do Hair Transplants Look Fake? An Expert's Perspective

Do Hair Transplants Look Fake? An Expert's Perspective

Hair loss is a common problem for both men and women, and hair transplants are a popular solution. But many people worry...

Can Hair Transplants Grow Back? An Expert's Guide

Can Hair Transplants Grow Back? An Expert's Guide

Hair transplants are a popular solution for those looking to restore their hairline and achieve a more youthful look. But ...

How to Identify a Failed Hair Transplant

How to Identify a Failed Hair Transplant

A hair transplant is a popular cosmetic procedure that can significantly change people's lives. However, it is important...

How much does a decent hair transplant cost?

How much does a decent hair transplant cost?

The average cost of a hair transplant to be treated. The amount and type of graft you receive depends on the type of...

Everything You Need to Know About Hair Transplant Surgery

Everything You Need to Know About Hair Transplant Surgery

Hair transplant surgery is a popular and permanent solution for people suffering from hair loss. It is a time-consuming...

Does a Hair Transplant Last a Lifetime?

Does a Hair Transplant Last a Lifetime?

Hair transplants are a popular treatment option for those with visibly thinning hair. The results of a hair transplant...

What Are the Chances of a Hair Transplant Failing?

What Are the Chances of a Hair Transplant Failing?

Hair transplant surgery is a popular and effective way to restore hair loss, but it is not without its risks....

Are Hair Transplants 100% Successful? An Expert's Perspective

Are Hair Transplants 100% Successful? An Expert's Perspective

As an expert in the field of hair restoration, I'm often asked about the success rate of hair transplants. The answer is...

Are Hair Transplants 100% Effective?

Are Hair Transplants 100% Effective?

For a follicular unit transplant, the doctor should be able to transplant the follicular grafts to the recipient site....

Will a Hair Transplant Last Forever?

Will a Hair Transplant Last Forever?

Hair transplants are designed to be permanent and rarely need to be redone. After the procedure, you'll be able to see...

Does a Hair Transplant Keep Growing?

Does a Hair Transplant Keep Growing?

People who have had a hair transplant will usually continue to grow hair on the transplanted areas of the scalp. Within...

Is a Hair Transplant Worth It? An Expert's Perspective

Is a Hair Transplant Worth It? An Expert's Perspective

Hair transplant surgery is a popular option for those who are experiencing thinning hair and hair loss. It may not be a...

Is Hair Transplant an Illusion?

Is Hair Transplant an Illusion?

As an expert in the field of hair restoration, I can confidently say that hair transplants are not an illusion. While it...

Understanding Hair Transplant Shedding and Shock Loss

Understanding Hair Transplant Shedding and Shock Loss

It's normal for transplanted hair to fall out 2 to 3 weeks after the procedure. This gives way to new hair growth, and...

What are the Disadvantages of Hair Transplant Surgery?

What are the Disadvantages of Hair Transplant Surgery?

Hair transplant surgery is a serious procedure and should be treated as such. When you don't take the necessary...

Does Hair Grow Back After a Hair Transplant?

Does Hair Grow Back After a Hair Transplant?

Hair transplant surgery is a popular procedure for those looking to restore their hair. During the procedure, entire...

Is a Hair Transplant Permanent? A Comprehensive Guide

Is a Hair Transplant Permanent? A Comprehensive Guide

Hair transplant, also known as hair restoration, is a popular outpatient procedure that uses micrograft technology to...

What is the Success Rate of Hair Transplant Surgery?

What is the Success Rate of Hair Transplant Surgery?

For those considering a hair transplant, the success rate is an important factor to consider. The success rate of a hair...

Why Does Hair Transplant Look Artificial?

Why Does Hair Transplant Look Artificial?

As a consumer, you're often afraid of having a false result, but I always say, look, my standard is much higher than...

Does transplanted hair thicken over time?

Does transplanted hair thicken over time?

For most patients who have had a hair transplant, their hair will appear thinner for the first 3 months after the...

Everything You Need to Know About Hair Transplant Costs

Everything You Need to Know About Hair Transplant Costs

Hair transplants are a popular solution for those looking to restore their hairline or add volume to thinning hair. But...

How many hair transplants are needed for a full head?

How many hair transplants are needed for a full head?

How many grafts will you need for your FUE hair transplant? It's not an easy question to answer, as it depends on your...

What is the Success Rate of a Hair Transplant?

What is the Success Rate of a Hair Transplant?

As an expert in the field of hair transplants, I can confidently say that the success rate of a hair transplant is...