Does transplanted hair thicken over time?

For most patients who have had a hair transplant, their hair will appear thinner for the first 3 months after the procedure and then it will start to grow slowly again, thicker and fuller. Some of the transplanted hair will fall out in the weeks after treatment, but will then grow back properly.

Does transplanted hair thicken over time?

For most patients who have had a hair transplant, their hair will appear thinner for the first 3 months after the procedure and then it will start to grow slowly again, thicker and fuller. Some of the transplanted hair will fall out in the weeks after treatment, but will then grow back properly. Over time, the new follicles grow back stronger and thicker than before. Outcomes continue to improve over time, and patients typically see full growth within 12 months.

The thickness should match the surrounding hair. The hair will continue to thicken during this phase. Hair thickening is possible with hair transplant operations. Because, where weak hair follicles are found, solid, more vibrant hair follicles are transferred.

Transplanted hair roots maintain their development and vitality in harmony with the body. Over time, it gets used to its new place and begins to thicken. RehairIstanbul is a well-established company in Turkey that has been working in the field of hair transplantation for more than 12 years. Approximately 4 to 5 days after the procedure, the newly transplanted hair in the receiving area (s) will begin to fall out.

In addition, factors such as choosing the most suitable hair transplant method for you or choosing the right donor area are also known as critical stages. Find out if hair loss treatment is the right choice for restoring your hairline if you've been experiencing hair loss. The use of a product that is compatible with the hair and genetic structure recommended by doctors is important and necessary for hair thickness. The act of transplantation causes the hair shafts to fall out and enter a latent phase (also called “shock loss”).

Hashmi is highly trained in performing hair transplants and knows how to create results that look and feel natural. By all accounts, the first three months are the most frustrating phase of hair transplant recovery. One of the most important factors for the transplanted hair to be thick and healthy is the strategy to be followed to choose the donor area. All patients grow differently, and what matters with hair transplants is the destination and not the journey.

The tiny hairs in the follicles will shed 2 to 4 weeks after the procedure, and no new hair growth will be seen until the third month, when the follicles wake up. However, it is also necessary to mention the use of vitamins and supplements in diet, maintenance and products used after hair transplantation. FUE involves removing individual hair follicles from the donor site and transplanting them to the receiving site, while FUT removes a strip of skin with the follicles intact.

Ernie Summitt
Ernie Summitt

Incurable coffee maven. Devoted communicator. Typical tv scholar. Wannabe social media junkie. Avid hair loss researcher.